Monday, March 21, 2005

Vanilla swirls

Maybe it's the Rolaids, but what in the hell is going on? Steroids, Karl Rove and a dying woman's husbands wish for her and the revelation of Bush's sleep patterns. What will history say about the president on this one? Oh yes, and the banning of hearing about 4 hour erections and who to call on TV advertisements. Banning high school cheerleading? Okay, that wouldn't be so bad. What is this? Russia? I mean of all the stories to be given attention, we get these. The laugh meter is pegged. Pull the plug. Jackson's back. What a pain. Potty talk. Judgements. Power. Politics. (I need another Rolaid) David Copperfield is done proud.Wait till we see what has disappeared.

I don't want to forget that which the empire has perpetrated on the innocents in the name of freedom, in the names of those who passed on Sept.11 and on my name as an American citizen. Follow the money. See where it leads. To pathetic men, puffed up with greed.

Winds of ancients kiss my face, sometimes fiercely, mostly with conviction. Unwavering pulse. Under the mercy. Walls are falling. Fragments of light all around. Billions of shattered diamonds, scattered reflecting light, in the shadow of the sleeping lion. What's up your sleeve?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see rolaids merely made a dent; perhaps Extra Strength Maalox is in order.

8:54 AM  

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