Monday, October 24, 2005

Fred and Wilma

Leaves blowing around your front door

Meet the stoneage with a modern name

Hanging out in the tropics

Taking time to enjoy the scenery

Enjoying the sunrise

Over the deep blue


Finding my courage, lost at sea

Or so they say

Denial of the past places

Where I visisted under a different name

Wounds needing care now a wall of refusal

To see

The way you were before

Blisters on your feet

burning memory

held in my body adopting a twisted cadence

To the rhythms of this stormy sea.

Without a rudder yet refusing to grasp the wheel

Rumors of fear shadow any hope

Of what lives down below.

Even God only knows

the coinage at the bottom of the wishing well

keeps Him at bay.

But I'll weather the storm

Rebuild with an eye to the watermark stain on my walls.

Walking the tightrope just takes practice.

The stoneage has nothing on me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great analogies, Brett. Who are some poets you draw inspiration from?

6:18 AM  
Blogger Brett said...

Hi Tom,
These past few have been more a stream of thought than anything else. However I am attempting to practice using words as a poet might use them. Given that, I have been doing some personal work in enneagram, which has been quite revealing. (and Freeing as well. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus says something like to know the Truth is very disturbing ... but you will one day reign over it. And as Bill Murray says in Caddy Shack, "I got that going for me") Also, reading Thomas Moore's Dark Nights of the Soul, as well as reading the poet David Whyte and listening to Vigilanties of Love, Aimee Mann, Cockburn, Rush, Crash Test Dummies over these past few weeks these thoughts emerge.

1:06 PM  

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