Thursday, April 21, 2005

Relative Good

"Weep not for me, but for yourselves and your children."

Political identity. Ego. Assertion. Father hunger. Some lives more worthy than others.

Exploiting the weak and helpless. Bask in prominent positions. Scholars. Of religion. Protection. tamed. View towards preservation. It will serve us well.

Idolatry of human life itself. Worring more about their dying than their living.

Life larger than death the goal.

Love of Control


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idolatry, and control, ruins all.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Mike Morrell said...

Okay, I am officially wigged out. I have never seen your blog before now, and yet apparently "I" have left a comment here. I like your post, and I agree with "my" pithy statement, but...this isn't me. There is only one explanation I have for this right now that would put me at ease...otherwise, I am at dis-ease.

Whoever is blog-commenting as me, please don't. Thanks.

Oh, and nice blog by the way. Sorry we had to "meet" this way.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the final Seinfeld episode where the four of them are on trial. For years, George had used the alias "Art Vandelay" to get jobs and pick up girls. In court, the real Vandelay shows up.

Art Vandelay "My name is Art Vandelay."

Lawyer "And Mr. Costanza has stolen your identity?"

Vandelay "Yes."

8:58 PM  

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