Friday, September 15, 2006

Inside Job

Craters exposed

Telling the tale

What did you see

Free fall from grace

A plan to shock

and numb

We took the bait

Went after the stooge

With chests puffed out

Righteous anger

And retribution

God is on my side

It not what it seems

Safer but not safe they say.

Axis of evil pointing fingers

at straw men

The buildings fell so perfectly


the better part of valor

You did it to show

The mid-east

a new form of the cold war

And make a statement

to those who remember

9-11 1906

Blessed are the peacemakers

They will see God

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I said

I'm tired of all the bad

dreams at night

messing with my sleep

my soul

She asked

what is their message

I'm a failure

I said

She asked

What is your defination

Of success

I said

I don't have one

I've tried to live out

my mother's dreams

So what's going on here?

Why the angst?

Questions of normal

Questions of success

Questions of purpose

Who am I

Who do you want to be?

Purple rose wilting

Room painted white

Conversation takes

a turn

Smoke blowing around my ass

Who am I

that needs to be revealed

See and be seen

Who takes the time

to hear the hummingbird

from the crowded street below

or watch a pelican grace

the salt air

Where do I end

and nature begin?

It's all around you

calling your name

Who am I

to care

Who am I

to love you

Who am I

to dream?